The impressive BMA House in Tavistock Square, London, served as an excellent backdrop to an illuminating ceremony last night for the 2012 BMA Medical Book and Patient Information Awards.
We are thrilled to announce that first prize in the Health and Social Care category was awarded to the JKP title, Risk Assessment and Management for Living Well with Dementia, edited by Charlotte L. Clarke, Heather Wilkinson, John Keady and Catherine E. Gibb. The book is part of our well-established series, the Bradford Dementia Group Good Practice Guides.
Charlotte Clarke was at the ceremony to accept the award and was delighted to have been recognised by the British Medical Association for the editors’ collective achievements with the book.
Here is what one of the BMA reviewing panel said about the title:
“This is a novel and truly excellent book, made all the more acceptable by its brevity and clarity. It has certainly impressed me as an essential aid to those who care for people with dementia and it sets-out how risk should be assessed and managed in a clear and reassuring manner. It is an excellent slim book with a really helpful approach in an increasingly important field.”
Professor Averil Mansfield CBE, Chairman of the BMA Board of Science commented that it was “no mean feat to be shortlisted”, as they received several hundred individual entries for the book awards. Hearty congratulations must therefore go to the authors of the four Highly Commended titles from JKP and Singing Dragon, which are as follows:
After the Suicide by Kari Dyregrov, Einar Plyhn and Gudrun Dieserud – Health and Social Care category
Understanding Behaviour in Dementia that Challenges by Ian Andrew James – Health and Social Care category
Comforting Touch in Dementia and End of Life Care by Barbara Goldschmidt and Niamh van Meines – Popular Medicine category
Making Sense of Near-Death Experiences by Mahendra Perera, Karuppiah Jaghadheesan and Anthony Peake – Psychiatry category
The evening was attended by medical professionals, authors and publishers, of which editors Rachel Menzies and Emily McClave as well as marketing & publicity executive Ruth Tewkesbury were present on behalf of JKP. Books were judged on accuracy, appropriateness, quality of design and production, originality of content, approach and value for money.

The full list of highly commended titles and award winners can be found here.
A great evening was had by all, and once again, congratulations everyone!
Ruth Tewkesbury
Marketing and Publicity Executive