“There is hope for all learners”: An interview with Paula Moraine on helping students take control of everyday functions

“I wanted to communicate that there is hope for all learners, that everyone can find a way to learn that is personal and successful. I wanted to share how to translate what a student is saying not just by listening to their words, but by listening to the essence of who they are as a learner. This is not something that can be communicated simply, and it is not a way of being that comes naturally to all teachers… Teaching is generally considered an activity that one does ‘to’ another. I think of teaching as something that I do ‘for’ that other person. The learning is theirs, the experience of change is theirs, and for me the main thrill is when that student starts finding his or her ‘voice’.”

Parenting Girls on the Autism Spectrum – An Interview with Eileen Riley-Hall

“Having daughters on the spectrum has made me a better parent. I really think about my parenting, and I understand that my role is to help my girls develop into the best people they can be. It is not about me, and what I want for them. It cannot be about ego, and I think that is a valuable lesson that parents of children with special needs learn early on, but one that all parents need to learn.”