Developing essential skills for mediating across dispute contexts and cultures – An Interview with Tony Whatling

“Disputes inevitably test mediators’ skills to the limit. They are also a powerful reminder of what I refer to in some detail in the book: namely that they should never be applied outside of a framework of appropriate professional values, attitudes and cultural sensitivity and awareness. Skills, strategies and professionals practice can never be value-free.”

Parenting Girls on the Autism Spectrum – An Interview with Eileen Riley-Hall

“Having daughters on the spectrum has made me a better parent. I really think about my parenting, and I understand that my role is to help my girls develop into the best people they can be. It is not about me, and what I want for them. It cannot be about ego, and I think that is a valuable lesson that parents of children with special needs learn early on, but one that all parents need to learn.”

Photo: JKP author Dr. Charlotte Thompson

Orthopedic Care in Children with Special Needs

“One orthopedist operated on a boy without my knowledge on a Friday afternoon. Fortunately, the mother and grandmother knew I had insisted that physical therapy should be started immediately. The child’s school physical therapist was a friend and made house calls over the weekend, so the boy would not stay in bed. He was able walk for several more years because of this. Thus, parents and grandparents must be very aggressive in order to be sure that appropriate orthopedic surgery is being done and physical therapy received, as needed.”

Home-grown strategies for dealing with everyday transitions – An Interview with Jane Donlan & Bob Smith

“When we were creating our Reward Plan we decided that it had to be 100% focused on the positive… [W]e were well aware of the negative impact our son’s out-bursts were having on his self-esteem, and we certainly didn’t want to add to that! And so our Reward Plan was born, and I am not exaggerating when I say that it was almost an over-night success.”