The Choices Game: Helping young people make positive choices and stay safe – An Interview with creator Christopher McMaster

“Sometimes we adults make the mistaken assumption that young people have acquired the skills they need to be safe, when these skills often need to be explicitly taught…Rather than hoping for the best, we can prepare our vulnerable youth as well as we can by familiarizing them with some of the risks they may encounter and teaching that they can make choices—empowering them to be able to say ‘No!’ or ‘Stop!'”

Rehabilitation Through the Arts at Sing Sing: An Interview with Brent Buell, contributor to ‘Performing New Lives’

“We all spend much of our lives building up defenses against an unfriendly world, an uncomprehending universe. That surely is true of the men I met and taught in prison. They were like me. They were tough guys hoping that someone somewhere could reach that almost-forgotten part of them, break it loose, set it free and let them feel human again. After all, to portray a character is to find that character’s heart—and in the process to find your own.”

Dr Yvonne Yates on using Human Givens Therapy with Adolescents

“I’ve found Human Givens to be especially useful with children and adolescents because they generally crave interactions with others who give them their full attention, and are interested in what they have to say. They take well to setting their own goals, and identifying their personal resources, which helps them to address their areas of difficulty. They also enjoy working creatively to build up their skills, and meet their needs, which the approach allows for.”

Aspies on Mental Health – Editor Luke Beardon talks about the latest book in the ‘Adults Speak Out about Asperger Syndrome’ series

“I was humbled by the contributions [to this book]; the openness, willingness, and selflessness of the accounts are stunning. The stark reality of the experiences of the contributors is extremely powerful, and I can only hope that professionals reading the book really do take to heart what people are saying, and the devastating effect mental health can have on people with AS.”

Understanding Disorganized Attachment – An Interview with David Shemmings and Yvonne Shemmings

“Although child protection professionals help keep many children safe – and it’s important to remember that the UK has one of the lowest rates of child homicide at the hands of their carers – nevertheless, they sometimes bring the wrong families into the system while missing others – not because they lack skill but as a result of gaps in our knowledge about what leads to maltreatment.”