Understanding Crisis Therapies – An Interview with Dr Hilda Loughran

“I’d like to think that balancing the individual and social approaches to crisis does offer something special at a time when people may be so burdened by stressful/crisis situations that they may take too much on themselves. This book really emphasises the idea that crises happen in a social context, that social supports can mitigate the devastating effects of a traumatic event and that a lack of social support can make even a simple problem seem insurmountable.”

Risk Assessment and Management for Living Well with Dementia – An Interview with author Charlotte Clarke

“People with dementia continue to have decisions about them made by other people who bring to that decision their own views of safety and risk – these can be very profound decisions such as where someone will live in the future. It continues to be essential to develop services that respect the views of people living with dementia so that the care they receive is of high quality (and this is not necessarily care that is ‘risk free’).”

The Reverend Albert Jewell answers one JKP Reader’s Questions about his latest book, Spirituality and Personhood in Dementia

This month, we offered one of our readers a chance to preview a copy of the Revd Jewell’s latest JKP title, Spirituality and Personhood in Dementia, and ask him some questions about it: “Q: To what extent and how far has your exploration of dementia enhanced your understanding of spirituality? A: …People with dementia in the main live in the present moment because the past tends to get dismantled. To be able to live fully in the present, rather than be bugged by the past or worried about the future, is a great gift and one I covet…”

Parallel Process Revealed Through Creative Supervision

“The act of creation can be experienced in different ways – it might be meditative or energetic. It enables the supervisee to review their issues from a different perspective. The advantage of using stimulating external resources means that the supervisee can step back and become the observer of their own creation. Effectively they become their own supervisor to your meta supervisor.”