Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork for Autism Spectrum Disorders – An Interview with Dr. Virginia Cowen

“A child who displays aversion to touch can be taught how to understand touch—essentially learning to differentiate between normal and painful sensations. I have found that a systematic approach to massage is very important for children with autism spectrum disorders. When they learn what to expect, they are better able to relax and receive massage.”

Lisa Spillane on How Qigong can help children who feel ‘pushed and pulled’ by their emotions

“…it dawned on me how ridiculous it was that even though I’d had this body for so many years and took an interest in health and nutrition, I was unable to confidently point to my spleen, pancreas or liver. I thought to myself that if I’d learned these exercises as a child, not only would I have known more about my body but I’d have been able to help myself in those dark times when I felt pushed and pulled by my emotions.”

“I realized that I could help others find their voice” – An Interview with America X. Gonzalez, co-author of Speech in Action

“Speech in Action works well with children on the autism spectrum is because it is fun…If the student is bored out of his or her mind they won’t pay enough attention to learn anything. On the other hand, if they are actively engaged in a lesson they will pay enough attention to allow the information to enter their brains. They might need some repetition to completely learn the concept but since the activities are fun the kids beg us to do them all the time.”

Dr Yvonne Yates on using Human Givens Therapy with Adolescents

“I’ve found Human Givens to be especially useful with children and adolescents because they generally crave interactions with others who give them their full attention, and are interested in what they have to say. They take well to setting their own goals, and identifying their personal resources, which helps them to address their areas of difficulty. They also enjoy working creatively to build up their skills, and meet their needs, which the approach allows for.”

Toward an independent lifestyle – Karra Barber talks about her new skill-building workbook for teens and young adults on the autism spectrum

“My son is seventeen and is approaching the age of maturity. In an effort to prepare him toward an independent lifestyle (his goal as well), I knew we needed to build his life and community skills. I wanted him to feel confident in everyday tasks such as buying food, returning an item at the store, going to the bank, washing clothes, using public transportation or making himself a meal…”

Counselling Older People with Alcohol Problems – An Interview with JKP authors Mike Fox and Lesley Wilson

” I find that older people are often patronised, and their ability to recover and make changes in their lives is often not acknowledged. Dr Martin Blanchard speaks in the Foreword of a ‘therapeutic nihilism’ that exists in attitudes towards the client group described in the book. One effect of this is that older people are often expected to fit into generic treatment systems, when they clearly have needs that will not be met by those systems. Thus the need for a specialist approach such as the book describes.”