Lois Jean Brady, co-author with America X. Gonzalez and Jim Elliott of Speech in Action, was recently interviewed on the Autism Hangout about the book and about teaching communication skills by combining speech and language pathology with physical education:


Lois Brady is a Speech Language Pathologist with 20 years’ experience,
America X. Gonzalez is a Speech Language Pathologist Assistant and Jim Elliott is an Adapted Physical Educator. For the past 5 years they have worked together at Spectrum Center San Pablo, a private school for children with autism, Asperger Syndrome and severe emotional distress in California, USA.

Children, particularly those on the autism spectrum, are able to acquire communication skills much more easily when their learning incorporates movement. Even very simple actions such as tapping and hand clapping can have a noticeable impact on their speech and language development.

Speech in Action is an innovative approach to learning that combines simple techniques from speech and language pathology with physical education that have been carefully designed to meet the individual child’s particular needs and abilities. This practical workbook describes the approach, and how it works, and contains 90 fully photocopiable lesson plans packed with fun and creative ideas for getting both mouth and body moving.

Suitable for use either at school or at home, the activities can be dipped into in any order, and are organized by level of ability, with something for everyone.

Copyright © Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2011.

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