Group Activities for Social Emotional Learning Using Sketch Comedy and Improv Games
Post Pandemic: We reconnected, but how can we feel “connected”? Isolation was so hard on us in general. As we are humans, we need to be around other humans. Many times, people recognize and refer to their difficulty socializing once reintegrated into the world. We are in need of group activities that can help children and teens learn how to engage effectively.

Using humor and activities can help with connecting, as fun while being in the presence of others increases the brain’s happy chemicals. Learning social skills alongside fun is a bonus!
Defining relationships and things we can say in relationships, reading the room, conversation strategies, mindfulness and internal monologue, as well as finding ways to center ourselves can all help in developing deeper relationships. The book Group Activities for Social Emotional Learning Using Sketch Comedy and Improv Games is a guide of fun activities for professionals to help students, clients, and youth they work with to learn and practice social skills needed to deepen relationships.
A game that you can play through a virtual method or in person is the game “Snapchat.”
In order to increase listening and responding to a person sharing a detail about themselves, participants can practice a response. Thus, the first person would stand up straight and read or say what they would post as their status. The second person, crouching underneath, would use their hand to pretend to speak a reply to the first person’s post. The third person would crouch a bit under the 2nd person, using their hand to pretend to speak out a thought bubble, and so on. The idea is to practice how to respond to others, with supportive comments, imitating what is often done on social media.
(if possible, put the following in speech bubbles as if it was on a text message thread…)
For example: First person reports their status:
“I rocked my cello audition for first chair! Let’s see what happens! <shrug>”
Second person: I’m sure you did great, I can’t wait to hear!
Third person: i love your outlook.
Fourth person: Great job!
Fifth person: When do you hear? <nail biting> So hard to wait!
For more games and activities, check out Shawn’s new book Group Activities for Social Emotional Learning Using Sketch Comedy and Improv Games