Announcing the new JKP Complete Catalogue: Autumn/Winter 2010-2011!
We are pleased to announce that our new Complete Catalogue is now available! Inside you’ll find new and forthcoming titles on our full range of topics. Click to browse…
We are pleased to announce that our new Complete Catalogue is now available! Inside you’ll find new and forthcoming titles on our full range of topics. Click to browse…
Vanessa Rogers is a nationally acclaimed youth work consultant in the UK and has written a number of popular resource books for JKP aimed at…
This past weekend, Singing Dragon attended the 7th World Congress of Chinese Medicine in The Hague, Netherlands. The theme of this unique and important congress…
“…it became apparent during my research that the current traditional theories about autism have so many gaps and lacks in them. When I read about autism, according to these theories, the ideas didn’t match the reality of so many living with autism, including myself. The more I researched the concepts of Single Attention and Associated Cognition in Autism (SAACA) and compared it to other traditional theories, the more obvious it became that SAACA explained the autism spectrum (AS) so well. Not only does SAACA explain AS but it gives us access to a variety of strategies that make living with AS so much easier.”
We’re very pleased to announce that JKP author Jan Greenman will be launching her book, Life at the Edge and Beyond, on Saturday, 14th November at…
Listen to this morning’s interview on BBC Somerset with JKP author Richard Hanks about his new book Common SENse for the Inclusive Classroom. [Scroll through the audio…
“Most of the methods used in changing challenging behaviours contain a degree of force or lack of respect for the choices of the service-user. My main principle is that the service-user always has the right to say ‘no’. My job is to encourage her say ‘yes’. That means that if she says ‘no’, I need to figure out what I did wrong. In that way I actually can change her behaviour by focusing on my own behaviour, not on hers.”
On Tuesday, the Yellin Center for Student Success hosted a book launch for JKP authors Susan Yellin and Christina Cacioppo Bertsch to celebrate the release…
This week, we’ve featured an interview series with Vanessa Rogers, an experienced and highly regarded teacher and youth worker, and author of the recent book, Cyberbullying: Activities to…
We were delighted to accompany JKP author Christopher Badcock (pictured) to the British Medical Association’s Medical Book Awards on Tuesday night, where his ground-breaking book, The…