Connected by Autism – an online conference from JKP
“JKP’s work with the autism community goes back more than thirty years; our books in this area are the foundation and backbone of our publishing.…
Blog posts, articles, think-pieces and Q&A’s presented by Jessica Kingsley Publishers and associated authors on and around the subject of mental health.
“JKP’s work with the autism community goes back more than thirty years; our books in this area are the foundation and backbone of our publishing.…
Here Bridie Gallagher writes about why we need to explore beyond the ‘illness narrative’ to understand why people might feel the way they do.
Amy Sayer is the author of Supporting Staff Mental Health in Your School and is a teacher at Chichester High School and Head of Philosophy…
Building a Trauma-Informed Restorative School author Joe Brummer provides advice and insight to educators on the path of restorative justice. Can you briefly outline your…
Dr Fiona Zandt, Clinical Psychologist and co-author of Creative Ways to Help Children Manage Anxiety discusses the move to online therapy, and how activities can be adapted for virtual sessions.
Written by: Dr. Fiona Zandt, Clinical Psychologist One of the games I love to play with families in therapy is the Yawn Game. I often…
Back to school – helping children feel comfortable with the transition We may not yet be able to gauge the full impact the lockdown has…
Aidan Harvey-Craig, author of 18 Wellbeing Hacks for Students: Using Psychology’s Secrets to Survive and Thrive talks about the risks of being kind, but what a worthwhile and courageous quality it really is.
Introducing our new mental health video and Q&A series… A video series from Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Sheldon Press and John Murray Learning What is it?…
Mair Elliott is a Young Patient Activist and is Chair of Hafal, a user-led charity for people with a mental illness and their carers. She…