Rudy Simone on understanding and empowering ‘Aspergirls’

“…an Aspergirl’s most prized possession is her unique intelligence and she wants to be appreciated for that more than anything. Her education and utilisation of her unique skills is the key to a satisfying, fulfilled life. Some will want socialising, some won’t, but it is important that she learns to value others, so that she does not end up isolated, and so she can share those gifts with the world.”

Chris Nicholson on Creative Therapeutic Approaches with traumatised young people

“Through sensitively handled, creative interaction and by the use of ‘creative’ approaches with traumatised young people their characteristic rigidity begins to loosen. New possibilities emerge, the mutative nature of create endeavours. In time, they may be able to see painfully familiar situations in different and helpful ways that can lead to their forming a new response.”

Jenny Weinstein on Service User Involvement in Mental Health Care

“Working with service users has taught me that professionals like me, however experienced or well trained we think we are, often miss the most important issues from a user’s perspective. I believe that hearing service users’ views and having service users involved centrally in all aspects of planning, developing and evaluating services is absolutely vital to ensure high quality services that are fit for purpose.”