When I Think of Queer Joy…
When I Think of Queer Joy… Rebecca Burgess, author and illustrator of the humorous and honest graphic memoir of growing up asexual, How To Be…
When I Think of Queer Joy… Rebecca Burgess, author and illustrator of the humorous and honest graphic memoir of growing up asexual, How To Be…
Creative Ways to Help Children Manage Anxiety by Fiona Zandt and Suzanne Barrett is packed with therapeutic activities to help children aged 4-12 years and…
Tessa Morton and Jane Gurnett are the founders of Act for Autism and authors of Connecting and Communicating with Your Autistic Child, a book of…
Read an extract in a chapter from The CWP and EMHP Handbook called ‘Looking After Yourself’ which gives an insight from practitioners on how they keep their wellbeing in check, and cope with the demands of the job.
Wired Differently Stand-up comedian and writer Joe Wells’ new book, Wired Differently, showcases 30 incredible people and the things they’ve achieved, created and inspired not despite being…
The Stigma Surrounding BPD – An Extract from ‘Talking About BPD’ by Rosie Cappuccino Rosie Cappuccino was diagnosed with BPD in her early 20s and…
Working with children & emotions; an exercise for calming down a class Amie Taylor, author of ‘The Monster Book of Feelings’, shares a tried-and-tested exercise…
“Share it with someone”– Q&A with Confronting Shame author Ilse Sand Ilse Sand, the author of Confronting Shame, talks us through exactly what shame is,…
Drawing on the author’s extensive clinical and research experience in the fields of anxiety and autism new book Helping Autistic Teens to Manage their Anxiety…
Don’t feed the trolls – an extract from ‘Things I Got Wrong So You Don’t Have To’ by Pooky Knightsmith As an internationally respected campaigner,…