Judy Ryde on Being White in the Helping Professions

“I found…that it is extremely difficult for us white people to understand our position in a racial context. Many people I spoke to wondered if ‘white’ meant anything at all and I started by questioning if there was anything to look at. Then gradually the meaning of whiteness in a racial context became apparent, like shapes emerging from a white page. It was both fascinating and salutary.”

Rudy Simone on 22 Things a Woman Must Know If She Loves a Man with Asperger’s Syndrome

“He’s going to have so many wonderful qualities (because people with Aspergers do!) that you will fall in love with. He will also seem vulnerable in many ways and because women are caretakers you’re going to have this tendency to be motherly and to sometimes ignore your own needs–this applies to AS women as well because we tend to do the same stuff. Love yourself as much as you love him –that’s the advice my own man gave me.”