Lauren Brukner shares her personal Mommy Resolutions. Lauren is an Occupational Therapist who lives in New York City with her husband and three children and the author of the forthcoming book, The Kids’ Guide to Staying Awesome and In Control: Simple Stuff to Help Children Regulate their Emotions and Senses (August 2014).

Kids learn by example; by what we say and do. I know it as a therapist. I have said it countless times to parents who have come to see me. As a mom, do I take my own advice? I try to. Honestly. Between working full-time, three kids aged six and under, and working on my upcoming book, I often feel as though I am always working and something has to give. Sometimes, letting my mommy hat fall can be an easy-sounding route. Thinking about my children over the past few weeks, I’ve had some mommy guilt, and have decided to re-prioritize what is most important. I have thus compiled a list of Mommy Resolutions that I am starting now, this very minute, even though it’s not New Year’s (or any holiday that I am aware of-if I’m wrong, please let me know!), and thought I would share it with all my fellow parents and caregivers. If you have somebody special in your life, these resolutions may apply to you, as well. <3


To My Children-I Promise That…:

1. I will not check Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media when we are together. We will simply play.

2. Even after a long day at work, I will breathe in the calm, and breathe out the stress, greeting you with a smile on my face. You’ve had a long day at school, too.


3. When we go to the park, I will be right there with you on the top of the slide, and at the next swing; that is, if you want me there.

4. I will try my hardest not to tell you that I am too busy; know that I always have time for you when you need me.

5. Let’s aim for a dance party at least three times a week.

6. Even though I work all day, I will try my hardest be there for your plays, graduations, and parties. You are my priority, and I never want you to think otherwise.

7. If I am wrong, I will look you in the eyes and tell you that I am sorry.

8. I will tell you that I love you every single day. I will list the countless reasons why as often as I can.

9. I will remind myself to appreciate every smile, sweet word, laugh, and tantrum; you are all growing up so quickly.

10. I will remind myself daily to ensure that each and every one of you wakes up in the morning and goes to bed in the evening knowing with full certainty that you are special, cherished, and loved to the moon and back.





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